Oma talentti

Jokaisen oma talentti (7-17 year olds)

Club activities in art, music, social media, creative physical exercise and literature etc. taking the requests of the children and youngsters into consideration. Club activities will continue also at spring semester and improve them based on notes and feedback from the autumn semester. Clubs will be held separately to different age groups.

In addition to the clubs they also get to design and implement social media campaign where they get to influence and get their voices heard. Counselors are Finnish and foreigners from different areas of arts. Activities aim to increase the activity of children and youngster and encourage social activity and prevent social exclusion. The goal is also to support them to recognize their own strengths and support them to improve them.

The activities are held at the association facilities, cultural places of Satakunta and in nature. Children and youngsters can also participate in designing the “Monika talents” -show that will be held in spring 2022. Everyone who wants to show their talent to the audience. There will also be art exhibit where people can see the art made during the year.

Sign up form:


Is your child interested in a hobby with art, music or gymnastics? Do you want to hear more about our diverse club activities and about Jokaisen Oma Talentti -project?

Join us at 12.10. at 16:30 on Zoom where you can hear more and ask from the club instructors more about the content and implementation of the clubs!